Kunci Jawaban Advance Accounting Edisi 9 Floyd A Beams

Kunci Jawaban Advance Accounting Edisi 9 Floyd A Beams
Category:Conglomerate companies of the United StatesQ:
IEnumerable.First and Where extension method
I am working with LINQ and IEnumerable.
I have the following question:
string myString = “Hello”;
string[] myArray = { “One”, “Two”, “Three” };
string result = myString.Where(x => myArray.Contains(x));
Console.WriteLine(result); // prints “One”
Why is result prints One rather than printing null?
I am asking this because the IEnumerable.First and the Where extension method should both return an object.
Enumerable.Where returns an IEnumerable. If you call First on that IEnumerable without specifying the overload that will take a Func, it returns the first item from the sequence.
If you want to use First and Where, you can do something like this:
IEnumerable strings = Enumerable.Range(1, 5)
.Select(n => “foobar” + n)
var myArray = strings.Select(x => x.Split(‘.’)[0])
Console.WriteLine(strings.First(x => myArray.Contains(x)));
Console.WriteLine(strings.Where(x => myArray.Contains(x)).First());
The above example prints out:
You’ll notice that it prints out two different results because the first item isn’t the only one that matches the condition, but the First method returns the first of that sequence.
If you wanted to use First and Where and still take advantage of the IEnumerable.Where method, you could do something like this:
string[] myArray = { “
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Solution manual for questions, exercises, and problems of Advanced Accounting 12e by Floyd A. Beams, Joseph H. Anthony, Bruce Bettinghaus, .
Solution Manual for Questions, Exercises, and Problems of Advanced Accounting 12e Solutions by Floyd A. Beams, Joseph H. Anthony, Bruce Bettinghaus,
Solutions Manual Advance Accounting. This website offers solutions to the questions, exercises, and problems of Advanced Accounting. There are 11th Edition and 12th Edition solutions. I am a student and I am planning to buy this book.
20 Jan 2019 solution manual for questions, exercises, and problems of Advanced Accounting 12e by Floyd A. Beams, Joseph H. Anthony, Bruce Bettinghaus, .
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Solution Manual for Questions, Exercises, and Problems of Advanced Accounting 12e Solutions by Floyd A. Beams, Joseph H. Anthony, Bruce Bettinghaus,
Solution Manual Advance Accounting. This website offers solutions to the questions, exercises, and problems of Advanced Accounting. There are 11th Edition and 12th Edition solutions. I am a student and I am planning to buy this book.
11 May 2019 Solution manual for questions, exercises, and problems of Advanced Accounting 12e by Floyd A. Beams, Joseph H. Anthony, Bruce Bettinghaus, .
Solution Manual for Questions, Exercises, and Problems of Advanced Accounting 12e Solutions by Floyd A. Beams, Joseph H. Anthony, Bruce Bettinghaus,
Solution Manual Advance Accounting. This website offers solutions to the questions, exercises, and problems of Advanced Accounting. There are 11th Edition and 12th Edition solutions. I am a student and I am planning to buy this book.
21 Jun 2019